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Operation Spa Kids Adopt-A-Box

Operation Spa Kids Adopt A Box  is a 501(c)(3) non-profit founded by Dawn Thompson. 

There are so many small things we take for granted each and every day. 

Things that change our daily outlook such as; clean hair, brushed teeth, and clean healthy skin. These things give you a certain confidence which comes from knowing you look your best. Many of these simple basic needs are not available to many children in our community. Each school day hundreds of area students face their friends and teachers without this confidence gained from good grooming habits. Not because they have no desire to look their best, but because they do not have these basic products available to them daily. Just imagine not being able to simply brush your teeth. YOU CAN HELP TO CHANGE THEIR LIVES! Through Operation Spa Kids Adopt A Box, the goal is to give children the tools to start each day with confidence, self-worth and ready to learn. This can be accomplished by providing them with the items most of us would call simple necessities. 

If you choose to purchase items, please keep in mind we provide products

to children from all races and backgrounds. 

Operation Spa Kids will distribute these items throughout the year

in the Wichita Falls School District and surrounding areas. 

Operation Spa Kids Adopt A Box

To donate hygiene items, 

please ship or deliver to: 


4724 Kemp Blvd.

Wichita Falls, TX 76308

To donate a monetary amount, please make checks payable to 'Operation Spa Kids'

or click link below to donate via debit/ credit card.

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